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MyARM 4.2.x.0 Release
Measure and visualize parallelism using the example of a routing planer
At the parallel 2012 conference (Slides) we presented how to measure and visualize parallelism with our MyARM product familiy. Within this blog entry we will discuss this in detail, using C++11 features in an example of a simple routing planner for german cities. We'll show how to parallelize an algorithm, visualize and verify runtime measurements.
The image at the right side depicts the 10 biggest cities in Germany regarding population (source: Wikipedia) on a map (source: Wikipedia). Our goal is to find the shortest linear distance between all 10 cities.
First we present a single-threaded version of the algorithm. Following we use OpenMP to parallelize the algorithm and calculate the so-called Speedup factor.
Read the complete blog entry.